• By admin
  • Wednesday October 21st, 2020

Pandemic and Natural Disaster: Reflection on State Capacity

Pandemic and Natural Disaster: Reflection on State Capacity

Pandemic and Natural Disaster: Reflection on State Capacity 1024 536 Cambodia Development Center


Dr. Un Kheang is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Northern Illinois University and Member of the Board of Directors at Cambodia Development Center.

ABOUT Opinion

Proven to be true anywhere around the world, the appearance of a crisis or a disaster is the best time to assess the capacity and leadership of the affecting states. Now that the emergence of the unprecedented global public health crisis, the coronavirus pandemic, has pushed the world into a deep complication than any time, putting the leadership of big, rising, and small states to test.

As if dealing with the pandemic alone is not enough, Cambodia has to face an unfortunate natural disaster, the occurrence of the flash floods, at the same time. With one hand containing the spread of the disease and other blocking off the floods, how does Cambodia’s state capacity and leadership come to play?

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