Heng Salpiseth
Member of Board of Directors
Mr. HENG Salpiseth is currently the Deputy Director of the General Department of Sewerage and Wastewater Management of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of the Kingdom of Cambodia and a member of the Board of Directors at the Cambodia Development Center (CD-Center).
Mr. HENG Salpiseth received a Master of Engineering, majoring in Infrastructure Planning and Management from Japan in 2006. He was formerly a Director of the Department of Logistics of the General Department of Logistics and Head of the Regional Cooperation Office of the Department of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. Since 2002, prior to his positions in the government institution, he had spent many years working as a Senior Program Officer and Advisor/ Specialist/ Consultant Team Leader/ Transport Economist/ Independent Evaluator in many international development partners, including GIZ, UNDP, JICA, ADB, Marie Stopes International Cambodia (USAID-Project), National Institute of Environmental Study (NIES-Japan), French Red Cross to help prepare the Master Plan and infrastructure development projects such as transportation and logistics, electricity, urban and rural water supply, urban planning, water and irrigation management, solid waste management, drainage and filtration, agriculture and food security, etc.
Since 2009, Mr. HENG Salpiseth has also spent more than ten years as a part-time lecturer at both private and public universities teaching Bachelor and Master’s degrees, providing training and research on construction project management, procurement management and contracts, economic analysis on engineering project, etc. As a member of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) since 2006, Mr. HENG Salpiseth has published numerous research papers related to infrastructure development in the field of transportation and logistics.