Significance of Professional Development: Implications for Cambodian Teachers

Significance of Professional Development: Implications for Cambodian Teachers

Significance of Professional Development: Implications for Cambodian Teachers 150 150 Cambodia Development Center


*Doeur Bunhorn is a PhD candidate in TESOL at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, and a guest editor at the Cambodian Education Forum.

ABOUT Commentary

Professional development (PD) is a vital element in any practices of work as it allows practitioners to get specialized training, formal education, and advanced professional learning. Teaching profession is among the heavily affected occupations; hence, there is a growing need for teachers to keep up with the needs of learners and professional expectations.

In Cambodian context, even though modern Cambodian education sector has been on the rise in recent years – as indicated in the growth in higher education institutions – the level of quality of education is still considerably low, causing skill mismatch among graduates. This is the point where the PD of teachers is greatly needed. Therefore, this commentary paper will analyze the views of teachers regarding the significance of PD in their teaching and its implications for teachers in Cambodia.

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